Tim and Lesley Bower
Tim and Lesley lead Hope Church Tonbridge. They moved to Tonbridge in 2018 as they believed God had called them to plant a church in the town. As a couple they are passionate about the church being actively involved in the local community.
They have five children, seven grandchildren and two crazy dogs who they enjoy taking on long walks. They are also supporters of Manchester United and Liverpool FC respectively, which says a lot about their taste!

John and Kay Hodge
John & Kay joined the staff team at Hope Church in 2022, and the senior leadership team in 2023. Kay is a singer-songwriter and oversees Hope worship and is actively involved in community engagement. John has a passion and gifting in preaching and teaching, and leads Kids for Christ (KFC).
They run a mission called Seek Peace, which works in areas in West Africa that are experiencing conflict, to build peace. They have 2 littles, Abraham and Eleanor.

Malcolm and Kim Harris
Malcolm and Kim have been part of the senior leadership team since 2020.
They love to pray and minister to people and especially enjoy seeing God encountering his church.
Malcolm enjoys preaching and they love the small group they lead. Kim is a keen Tottenham Hotspur supporter and likes keeping fit. Malcolm loves Test Cricket and playing golf.

Paul and Lindsey Clark
Paul and Lindsey joined the senior leadership team in 2023 and Paul is our Chair of Trustees. Together they are passionate to see and encourage the church family growing, impacting, and supporting the local community. Not only in Tonbridge but also in South Africa and the Ukraine too. They have made several trips to Poland with supplies to support the Ukrainian people.
Paul and Lindsey lead the church’s only zoom small group. Paul enjoys his men’s prayer group, preaching and supporting Crystal Palace FC… probably in that order! They can often be seen cycling around Chiddingstone heading for the Tulip tree Café. Lindsey co-leads the Art Café, loves painting and is involved in a number of community projects. They have three children, two grandchildren and one adorable dog.

Freddie Reay
Freddie is safeguarding lead, and oversees “Hope Youth”, the name for our young peoples work at Hope Church Tonbridge.
He is a secondary school D&T teacher, with two young children and lovely wife; Naomi. They live in Tonbridge and Freddie can often be spotted cycling through town slowing down local traffic!
He likes making stuff, being in the sea and on a boat.